EVERY penny donated to our Surviving Winter appeal goes to help the elderly and vulnerable in Dorset living in fuel poverty.
The appeal, run in partnership with Citizens Advice in Dorset, distributes £200 grants to pensioners and vulnerable people aged 60 and over living in fuel poverty who often can only afford to heat one room for a few hours a day and routinely skip meals to save money for their fuel bills.
Over the last five years in Dorset, according to the Office For National Statistics, an average of 590 people have died from cold-related illness over the winter.
Donate online
Just click here and follow the instructions.
Donate by post
Send a cheque or bankers draft, made payable to Dorset Community Foundation, to The Surviving Winter Appeal, Dorset Community Foundation, The Spire, High Street, Poole, BH15 1DF.
If you are a UK Tax Payer please download, fill in and send us a Gift Aid form, which can be downloaded here.
You can also donate through a BACS Transfer via: Charities Aid Foundation Bank, Sort Code: 40-52-40, Account Number:00083897 ( Please use reference – SW)
We are working together with Citizens Advice branches across Dorset to disperse donations raised for older people in need across Dorset. If you need support please contact them on 01929 775500 or at energy@edpcitizensadvice.org.uk.
Any queries?
Call us on 01202 670815 .
Chief Executive Grant Robson: “Living in a cold house makes chronic illness like COPD and other respiratory conditions much worse and we know that many older people skip meals or don’t cook hot food to save money on their bills. That just makes them weaker and ever more prone to the cold, that just isn’t right in 2024.”